Restless Legs Diary

The story of me and my legs trying to get along (and maybe even sleep together)

Friday, July 07, 2006

Still off the stuff ...

... albeit accidentally. P and I had to go register, at the department store that will soon be Macy's, for our wedding stuff. I tried stopping a the drugstore, but they closed at 4 for some reason. Aren't Walgreens supposed to be 24-hour joints? So no new drugs for me.
And no show either. If anyone is into Alela Diane, tell me what I missed.
I'm not doing so bad this morning. Even unmedicated, I was tired enough last night to get some hard sleep -- after settling into The Hotel Room, that is. I feel good enough to swim again today, despite Wednesday's embarrassment. I ripped my suit up the entire leg, revealing a bit more of the inner netting than I would have liked. I guess the sunlight in my car and the chlorine in the fabric didn't do so well for the suit.
Now I know.