Down on the drug

Well. Today's the start of my scheduled turn-over-a-new-leaf, rededicate-myself, be-more-productive period. It's tempered a little bit by my fatigue and lowered ego. A competitor's newspaper dedicated two reporters to a story I did Saturday, and got quite a bit more stuff than I had. Which I can make excuses for, but in the end, I didn't dig as much as I should have.
I'm also disappointed with the Gabapentin. I don't really feel drugged at bedtime anymore, but then again, I don't really feel much of an effect. Last night I was shaky to beat the band. So while I usually wake up from a weekend -- if not refreshed, at least not exhausted -- today I woke up feeling like I had just had a long, tired week.
So I start the week exhausted and without the burning drive to excel I had on my well-rested day off. Ah well. Such is fall. Not great colors, but nice smells and feelings. Reminiscence. Romance. And melancholy.
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