Restless Legs Diary

The story of me and my legs trying to get along (and maybe even sleep together)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

If you drink, don't Mirapex

So I guess Mirapex and beer don't go so well. Almost all the bad side effects I've had with the drug were wrapped into last night. Trouble falling asleep, trouble with temperature regulation, waking up at 3 a.m., waking up at 6 something. Of course, the last could be because it was light out.
I had 2.5 beers last night. Over about as many hours. Then I had very close to .5 mg of Mirapex.
The night before, I had a wedding anxiety dream, thinking my wedding would be the next morning. Really, it's only company. Cousins in town, but staying at a hotel for now.
And then, later this week, they stay with us. In The Hotel Room, of course.